Thursday, January 7, 2010

2010 Call For A Little Change

I've been going about this all wrong. I have been trying to compartmentalize my life as, well as my thoughts, and I'm not feeling too good about it. I'm not doing too well either. This blog was suppose to be more about the issues I want to talk about and less about me. However, as a good friend reminded me, the issues I fight for are not in-and-of-themselves kind of issues. They are topics I want to talk about because I find them to be personal in some way. What this all means is that when I have something to say, I should write about it and not feel that it is too personal for this specific outlet. I am personal. I have ideas. Some of my ideas can be deemed political. I have political thoughts. I just have to allow myself and my audience to cope with these ideas and my concerns. I guess it would be better to say this blog is both personal and not personal. Sometimes it's me and sometimes it just is. That is the best way I can describe it.

I also want to take a page from another friend's book and set goals for myself. I am a walking and talking organizer and love my many to-do list. This, though, should be bigger than a list of errands. So here are the few goals I have for the year, keeping in mind that I may have to come back and revise my list, or check it to make sure I am sticking to my plans. Hopefully I can make 2010 a year of accomplishments.

1. Read Like I Use To
Sometime around the age of 16 or 17, I stopped reading as passionately as I had when I was a child. I don't know if it is because reading for school became daunting or if I just never made the time. Whatever it was, I'm changing it. If that means that I watch less tv and buy more books, then I am ok with that. I got into the Non-Fiction when I started college because of my majors; nevertheless, with my new connections and the awesomeness of a site called, I have been reintroduced to the love of books I had as a child, which was mostly Fiction. Really, I never stopped reading and I never stopped loving to read. Now, I plan to make the time for it. So far I don't have a goal of the number of books I want to read, but like I said, check back for updates.

2. Really Get In Shape
I jog. I do yoga. I eat better than I ever have before. I just want to keep it up and be fit. Some of it is my issue with weight but it shouldn't be. Which leads me to my next goal.

3. Be Happy With My Size, Shape and Color
Very self-explanatory. Just to be happy with me. I have to overcome some issues I don't really want to admit I have but if I want to be happy, I have to live me. (So does everyone else.)

4. Stay Informed With What Is Going On In The World
For a while, I was really good about reading web journals and watching the news everyday. Somehow, I got away from that. It may also be why I haven't written a blog in a while because I don't know what is happening around me. That needs to change. I can't live in a box (sorry Jeca) and I can't talk about things I know nothing about.

5. Really Learn Spanish
I want to teach in L.A. I took Spanish in high school and college and STILL CAN'T SPEAK IT. Well not anymore. I have the background to really be good at it and I need it here.

6. Pick Up My Instrument
I don't remember being this stressed out about life when I played violin and I remember how much it was a part of my life. I lost a little bit of myself when I stopped playing. I know there are only so many hours in a day, but one of them should go to something as important as my music.

6. Continue To Be A Voice For Change
Why have a blog if you don't use it for good? The same with Twitter or Facebook or MySpace? Why do anything if not to better the community around you and in turn the world? That is what this blog is for, to be a voice. By the end of the year, I should have my Masters and my teaching credential, which is just a springboard for a lot of the work I really want to do.


  1. That sounds like a great list...I think I may have to adopt your goals myself. Maybe we can both be better people and voices for change (and maybe we can keep each other inspired).

    oo-rah. :)

  2. Ok. Amendment to my previous comment. I would not pick up my instrument again as I have no instrument. Well, I haven't for 10+ years. Maybe I could acquire an instrument. I heard that China is selling violins as cheaply as $30.

  3. Nice list, very personal.

    1) Same
    3) I may like myself too much
    4)Yeah, so the same. I decided that I would learn to reason first. Otherwise indoctrination might take hold before I learn to spot it.
    5) I'm terrible at languages. I'm trying sign language. I have a goal to get good at that. I want to train my dog with it, I'm interested in kinesthetic learning, and sign language is a form of that.
    6) There is only one instrument I play, but that would vulgar to say. I hear I sing pretty well, so maybe I should try that.
    7) The SAME the SAME the SAME
    8) Get through college. I'm terrified the money won't be there, and I so want my PhD. At least a Masters.
    9) I want to develop a circle of loyal, intelligent, compassionate friends that share the same goals that I do for the nation and the world. Cause, it gets lonely with the these motivations.
    10) I want to learn how to write and speak well, that I might make complex ideas palatable and enjoyable to the average person.
    11) I want to have a place. Somewhere to grow. I feel like a seed scattered into the wind, only stopping when the wind slows a bit and then pick right back up to be scattered again.
    12) I want to have a position where my skills and ideas are not taken for granted and I am listened to and allowed to do what I know I can.
